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Making students’ intended learning outcomes clear to families/whānau and iwi
Te Mana Kōrero 3
- How do teachers make students’ learning outcomes clear so that everyone can understand them? What are the benefits of this? How do they share intended learning outcomes with families/whānau and iwi?
[Note the importance of making expected learning outcomes very explicit so that students and their families/whānau, and iwi (as well as the teacher) know what students are expected to achieve in their learning. An important explanation is given (around the work at Opunake School. “The first step in taking student learning into the community is to make sure students are fully engaged in their own learning.” This includes ensuring that they know what they have to achieve. Note:
- the conversation between students at Opunake School where they examine their results from standardised national testing in maths to determine what they need to focus on as learners;
- the use of a Task Wall at Hiruharama School to specify students’ expected learning outcomes and tasks;
- the use of learning intentions and success criteria in a range of lessons at Hiruharama School.
One way of sharing students’ intended learning outcomes with their families/whānau, and iwi is to have them documented in students’ work books, e.g,. expected learning outcomes in reading (such as “comprehend words”) written in student’s home reading book (Opunake School).]
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