Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
“pedagogically focused leadership has a substantial impact on student outcome”
School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why. Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES]. Ministry of Education. November 2009
Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.
Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists of a separate process or of a specific part leadership processes.
The resources you will find on this page reflect the effective leadership and governance that support Māori learners to achieve education success as Māori.
Filed under: Effective leaders | Effective teachers
EDtalks, a Core Education initiative, features videos from conferences and seminars, institutes, and schools. Schools and individuals are free to download the video files for use in whole staff or personal professional learning. This can be done by downloading directly from the website.
Filed under: effective leaders | effective teachers
Visit the Ako Panuku website to see the national online network of teachers/educators in secondary schools and engage in professional discussions about your experience as a teacher.
Filed under: effective leaders | effective teachers
At Sylvia Park School, staff believe that Māori and Pacific student achievement is based on effective pedagogy and that effective pedagogy looks the same for any child. This story explores what these beliefs look like in practice.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Five case studies were presented from schools/kura where Ako Panuku has had a direct impact on the schools’ policies and practices.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The Ako Panuku website offers resources and links to assist schools to effectively support whānau and students to understand NCEA.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The purpose of this report is to document the outcomes of the implementation of Te Kotahitanga in Phase 3 and 4 secondary schools from 2007 to 2010. During these four years, the Phase 3 schools were in their fourth to seventh year of implementing the project in their schools. Phase 4 schools were in their first to fourth years of the programme.
Filed under: Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Three schools in the Te Kauhua initiative – Hillmorton, Lincoln, and Hornby High Schools - opted to cluster together for purposes of their research inquiry. They worked from a common research question, but tailored their inquiries to their individual school contexts. The cluster schools met regularly over the duration of the project, sharing findings and challenging one another’s practice and thinking. The following case study highlights the approaches and findings of Hillmorton High School.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Lincoln High School investigates how, as part of a cluster arrangement, a school can foster the development of an effective professional learning community that is focused on teaching as inquiry and premised on three underpinning principles: ako (reciprocal learning), culture counts, and productive partnerships.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Approaches to conceptualising, identifying and providing for gifted and talented Māori students are dual faceted: they may emanate from Te Ao Māori; a Māori worldview on the one hand, and have significant connotations to Te Ao Hurihuri (the global world) on the other.
Filed under: Ako | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Curriculum Updates support school leaders and teachers as they work to design and review their school curriculum, in line with the New Zealand Curriculum and with current knowledge and understandings about effective classroom teaching.