Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
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Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum resource for the Ministry of Education.
“pedagogically focused leadership has a substantial impact on student outcome”
School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why. Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES]. Ministry of Education. November 2009
Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.
Governance relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists of a separate process or of a specific part leadership processes.
The resources you will find on this page reflect the effective leadership and governance that support Māori learners to achieve education success as Māori.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders
The five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine secondary schools on their journey towards realising Māori student potential. The Opotiki College case study explores the factors and initiatives that helped significantly improve achievement levels for Māori students.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders
The five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine secondary schools on their journey towards realising Māori student potential. The Kakapo College case study explores the approaches that a principal and her leadership team took to maintain and continue to build on high levels of achievement for Māori students, harnessing commitment within the school and from the Māori community.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders
The five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine secondary schools on their journey towards realising Māori student potential. The Western Springs College case study explores some of the strategies and approaches the school leadership team uses to enhance Māori student achievement.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders
The five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine secondary schools on their journey towards realising Māori student potential. The Hamilton Girls’ High School case study explores the approaches that a principal and her leadership team took to maintain and continue to build on high levels of achievement for Māori students.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders
Three schools in the Te Kauhua initiative – Hillmorton, Lincoln, and Hornby High Schools - opted to cluster together for purposes of their research inquiry. They worked from a common research question, but tailored their inquiries to their individual school contexts. The cluster schools met regularly over the duration of the project, sharing findings and challenging one another’s practice and thinking. The following case study highlights the approaches and findings of Hornby High School.
Filed under: Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Three schools in the Te Kauhua initiative – Hillmorton, Lincoln, and Hornby High Schools - opted to cluster together for purposes of their research inquiry. They worked from a common research question, but tailored their inquiries to their individual school contexts. The cluster schools met regularly over the duration of the project, sharing findings and challenging one another’s practice and thinking. The following case study highlights the approaches and findings of Hillmorton High School.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Lincoln High School investigates how, as part of a cluster arrangement, a school can foster the development of an effective professional learning community that is focused on teaching as inquiry and premised on three underpinning principles: ako (reciprocal learning), culture counts, and productive partnerships.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
In this sabbatical leave report from Sue Horne, Principal, Maungatapu School; Sue investigates culturally responsive leadership and teaching practices that will support Māori student achievement in a Primary School.
Filed under: Ako | Effective leaders
In this article Hamish Ruawai talks about his career as a leader. Hamish discusses the importance of knowing that for Māori students to be effective learners they need effective relationships with people who are teaching and how this knowledge influences how he works at Kaikohe West School.
Filed under: Effective leaders
In this report Marion Fitchett discusses how the Ministry of Education examined the effectiveness of its initiatives to support leaders’ professional learning and confidence in implementing the Ka Hikitia strategy.