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Video stories

  1. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    Responding to “demanding constituents” has been the catalyst for changes in teaching practice at Henderson Intermediate - changes achieved through a process of reflecting upon the evidence available and responding to student need.

  2. Filed under:

    As part of distributing the leadership and developing capability across the school, a programme of in-house mentoring was developed at Henderson Intermediate.

  3. Filed under: Effective leaders

    The action research approach that was adopted at Henderson Intermediate ensured adoption of the outcomes by staff and built confidence in their ability to find their own solutions for issues.

  4. Filed under: Productive partnerships

    Evidence of successful approaches motivated a change in practices across the whole school.

  5. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    Providing opportunities for student voice informed and encouraged changes in teacher practice.

  6. Filed under: Productive partnerships

    Henderson Intemediate responded to whānau requests for reporting in a form that met their needs.

  7. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    An idea from whānau became the basis of a successful intervention to tackle attendance issues.

  8. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    When Henderson Intermediate staff were open and honest about the issues of Māori student achievement with whānau, they received an immediate response of support.

  9. Filed under: Effective leaders

    For three schools in the Christchurch region, the opportunity to operate as a cluster provided the stimulus for professional learning.

  10. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective teachers

    Principal Anne Brokenshire and facilitator Kylie Coulbeck reflect on what is now more evident as a result of the professional learning that staff have undertaken.

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