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Effective teachers

Effective teaching practice is the art or profession of teaching, meaning that teachers learn their subject and also the pedagogy, or best or most appropriate means for teaching that subject.

The resources you will find on this page examine examples of best teaching practice for Māori learners.

  1. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers

    As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Chisnallwood Intermediate investigated the ways that the provision of a culturally connected learning context facilitates Māori student and whānau engagement in learning and teaching.

  2. Filed under: Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    Three schools in the Te Kauhua initiative – Hillmorton, Lincoln, and Hornby High Schools - opted to cluster together for purposes of their research inquiry. They worked from a common research question, but tailored their inquiries to their individual school contexts. The cluster schools met regularly over the duration of the project, sharing findings and challenging one another’s practice and thinking. The following case study highlights the approaches and findings of Hillmorton High School. 

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    Lincoln High School investigates how, as part of a cluster arrangement, a school can foster the development of an effective professional learning community that is focused on teaching as inquiry and premised on three underpinning principles: ako (reciprocal learning), culture counts, and productive partnerships.

  4. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    Approaches to conceptualising, identifying and providing for gifted and talented Māori students are dual faceted: they may emanate from Te Ao Māori; a Māori worldview on the one hand, and have significant connotations to Te Ao Hurihuri (the global world) on the other.

  5. Filed under: Ako | Effective Teachers

    The success of teaching and learning is founded on the quality of the relationship built between the teacher and the student.

  6. Filed under: Ako | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    Curriculum Updates support school leaders and teachers as they work to design and review their school curriculum, in line with the New Zealand Curriculum and with current knowledge and understandings about effective classroom teaching.

  7. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective teachers

    This snapshot article from software for learning was contributed by Carla Uereta, an extension Te Ao Māori teacher at Firth Primary School, Matamata.

  8. Kia Mau 24/11/2011

    Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers

    Kia Mau is a multimedia resource focusing on two waiata and two haka that have an association with the Māori Battalion. Kia Mau explores a number of themes associated with social sciences – including customs and traditions, social justice, leadership, bereavement, and spirituality.

  9. Ako Panuku 24/11/2011

    Filed under: Ako | Te Reo Maori | Effective teachers

    Ako Panuku is a professional development suite supporting Māori secondary school and wharekura teachers with particular emphasis on te reo Māori teachers.

  10. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers

    Home–school partnerships are shared relationships and initiatives between schools and whānau. Students are part of both groups, which together make up the wider school community.

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