Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Five case studies were presented from schools/kura where Ako Panuku has had a direct impact on the schools’ policies and practices.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The purpose of this report is to document the outcomes of the implementation of Te Kotahitanga in Phase 3 and 4 secondary schools from 2007 to 2010. During these four years, the Phase 3 schools were in their fourth to seventh year of implementing the project in their schools. Phase 4 schools were in their first to fourth years of the programme.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture
Adrienne Alton-Lee (phd) Chief Education Advisor, Best Evidence Synthesis Programme, Ministry of Education delivers a keynote presentation for the 2008 Te Kotahitanga conference.
Filed under: Research & evaluation
In 2007, Victoria University was contracted by the Ministry to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of Te Kotahitanga. It is the first external evaluation of Te Kotahitanga.