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Using Research and Development (RnD) to make a bigger difference for our children and our society – Adrienne Alton-Lee

In these clips Adrienne delivers a keynote presentation Using Research and Development (RnD) to make a bigger difference for our children and our society to the 2008 Te Kotahitanga conference. This presentation provides information about the critical importance of Te Kotahitanga. It discusses the change achieved by the programme, and why this change is critical for Māori students. The presentation highlights the importance of cycles of research and development in achieving changes in achievement for all Rangatahi.

Questions / Things to think about

Adrienne puts a number of challenges to the audience. One challenge is focused on community knowledge.

  1. How is your school building on your community’s knowledge?
  2. How do you make sure Maori identity is built into everyday schooling?

Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Te Kotahitanga

Tags: Research & evaluations; Effective Leaders; Effective Teachers

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