Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
"...research shows that student engagement and achievement improves when teachers develop positive teaching and learning relationships with Māori students..."
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012, page 23.
The concept of ako describes a teaching and learning relationship where the educator is also learning from the student and where educators’ practices are informed by the latest research and are both deliberate and reflective. Ako is grounded in the principle of reciprocity and recognises that the learner and whānau cannot be separated.
The resources you will find on this page reflect the principles of ako and provide examples of this in the classroom and beyond.
Filed under: ako | effective teachers
The Analysis and Use of Student Achievement Data Project (AUSAD) used at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Tapuwae, is about Māori educators developing programmes that are going to work successfully for Māori learners.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers
Living Heritage is an online bilingual initiative that enables New Zealand schools to develop and publish an online resource, based on a heritage treasure in their community.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers
The science online website presents resources to support scientific knowledge and Māori knowledge about mussel biology.
Filed under: Ako | Effective Teachers
The success of teaching and learning is founded on the quality of the relationship built between the teacher and the student.
Filed under: Ako | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Curriculum Updates support school leaders and teachers as they work to design and review their school curriculum, in line with the New Zealand Curriculum and with current knowledge and understandings about effective classroom teaching.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers
Kia Mau is a multimedia resource focusing on two waiata and two haka that have an association with the Māori Battalion. Kia Mau explores a number of themes associated with social sciences – including customs and traditions, social justice, leadership, bereavement, and spirituality.
Filed under: Ako | Te Reo Maori | Effective teachers
Ako Panuku is a professional development suite supporting Māori secondary school and wharekura teachers with particular emphasis on te reo Māori teachers.
Filed under: Ako | Research & evaluation | Effective teachers
QTR&D was an exploratory project founded on the beliefs that all young people can succeed at school and that one of the keys to enabling students to achieve their potential is effective classroom teaching.
Seven of the reports developed through QTR&D have been adapted as learning stories; these are included in this set of materials as springboards for thinking about the Teaching as Inquiry cycle, effective pedagogy, and cultural responsiveness and how they might connect to your own practice.
Filed under: Ako | Effective Teachers
Jane, a Year 9 English teacher, talks about how she has encouraged her Year 9 class to take ownership of their learning. Jane's story is a great example of how changing the way your class is run can have a dramatic effect on both the students and the teacher.
Filed under: Ako | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
In this story Ngaruawahia High School students, teachers, the principal, senior leaders and Te Kotahitanga facilitators discuss students’ NCEA results.