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and culture

  1. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders

    This Curriculum Update supports schools in understanding and enacting the curriculum principle of the Treaty of Waitangi.

  2. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation

    This report charts the story of Te Hiringa i te Mahara a Māori secondary Teachers’ professional development programme from 1998-2008.

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders

    Yolanda Julies, Principal at Te Kura Reo Rua o Waikirikiri, discusses the importance of establishing a shared understanding and supportive school culture as the school explored the national curriculum documents.

  4. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective teachers

    This snapshot article from software for learning was contributed by Carla Uereta, an extension Te Ao Māori teacher at Firth Primary School, Matamata.

  5. Kia Mau 24/11/2011

    Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers

    Kia Mau is a multimedia resource focusing on two waiata and two haka that have an association with the Māori Battalion. Kia Mau explores a number of themes associated with social sciences – including customs and traditions, social justice, leadership, bereavement, and spirituality.

  6. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Te Reo Maori

    He Reo Tupu, He Reo Ora is a multimedia resource that provides opportunities for students to learn te reo Māori at primary school.

  7. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    In her paper presented at the Now is the Future Conference, Auckland, October 2000, Jill Bevan-Brown shares a number of stories illustrating what schooling is like for many gifted Māori learners.

  8. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation | Effective Leaders

    This article published in the AUSTR ALIAN JOURNAL of INDIGENOUS EDUCATION, (volume 36, 2007), offers another framework for creating a Māori perspective on classroom practices.

  9. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective leaders

    These five Rangiātea case studies and exemplars examine five secondary schools, each of which is on a journey towards realising Māori learner potential.

  10. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective Teachers

    Claire's story is an example of how creating an environment where student's identity is valued can have an empowering effect on learning.

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