Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Te Reo Maori | Effective leaders
This story from Rotorua Boys’ High emphasises the inseparable nature of reo and tikanga (language and culture), an integral part of the school’s programme.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Te Reo Maori | Effective leaders
This story relays how Chisnallwood staff and students worked together, as part of their school review, to implement the New Zealand Curriculum, so that it would make a difference for Māori students and help them to succeed.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Te Reo Maori | Effective leaders
In Ilam's school story, you'll hear how they made changes to bring about more effective teaching and learning.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
At St Joseph’s School there has been a big focus on te reo Māori in the classroom. This was precipitated by the language progressions set out in the draft Māori language curriculum guidelines (now in final form:Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki).