Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
Te Kotahitanga was an evidence-based professional development programme that had an explicit focus on raising Māori achievement. Based on Kaupapa Māori theory Te Kotahitanga supports ways that teachers in English-medium classrooms can authentically affirm Māori identity to improve outcomes for Māori learners.
Research shows that students live up to, or down to, expectations and that many of our teachers subconsciously expect less of Māori. The focus of Te Kotahitanga was on changing teacher practices, expectations and beliefs about Māori learners from deficit-based to strengths-based.
Te Kotahitanga had two system-wide outcomes and two school-level outcomes:
System outcomes
i) To raise the participation, engagement and achievement of Māori students and increase their attainment of worthwhile qualifications.
ii) To raise wider system capability so that school leaders, teachers and their communities understand and establish culturally responsive learning contexts.
School outcomes
i) To support teachers in improving Māori student learning and achievement by creating a culturally responsive context for learning based on student evidence.
ii) To enable school leaders, and the wider school community to establish school structures and organisations that support teachers in this endeavour.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The purpose of this report is to document the outcomes of the implementation of Te Kotahitanga in Phase 3 and 4 secondary schools from 2007 to 2010. During these four years, the Phase 3 schools were in their fourth to seventh year of implementing the project in their schools. Phase 4 schools were in their first to fourth years of the programme.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture
Adrienne Alton-Lee (phd) Chief Education Advisor, Best Evidence Synthesis Programme, Ministry of Education delivers a keynote presentation for the 2008 Te Kotahitanga conference.
Filed under: Research & evaluation
In 2007, Victoria University was contracted by the Ministry to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of Te Kotahitanga. It is the first external evaluation of Te Kotahitanga.