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Statistics & results

Tēnā koe mō tō whai tirotiro mai. Ka kati tēnei paetukutuku hei te marama o Pipiri 2025.

Ko Tāhūrangi te puna marautanga ipurangi hou mō te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

Thank you for your visit. This website will close in June 2025.

Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum resource for the Ministry of Education.

The resources you will find on this page provide reports detailing statistics and results of Māori learners in English-medium education. These reports come from the Ministry of Education, Education Counts, the Education Review Office, and other research areas.

  1. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Statistics & results | Effective leaders

    Te Ao Mārama 2012 is a collection of statistics about Māori from a Māori perspective.

  2. Filed under: Statistics & results

    This report from Education Counts reports on the progress against Māori Education Plan Targets: Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success.

  3. Filed under: Statistics & results

    Ngā Haeata Mātauranga is a series of annual reports that monitor the achievement of government’s key priorities for the education success of Māori learners.

  4. Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Statistics & results | Research & evaluation

    This 2010 report evaluates how schools have promoted success for Maori students since ERO’s previous national report in 2006.

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