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  1. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders

    Yolanda Julies, Principal at Te Kura Reo Rua o Waikirikiri, discusses the importance of establishing a shared understanding and supportive school culture as the school explored the national curriculum documents.

  2. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    These stories discuss how Ngati Porou East Coast schools have worked collectively through the E Tipu e Rea Education Partnership, to develop their school curricula.

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Te Reo Maori | Effective leaders

    This story from Rotorua Boys’ High emphasises the inseparable nature of reo and tikanga (language and culture), an integral part of the school’s programme.

  4. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Te Reo Maori | Effective leaders

    In Ilam's school story, you'll hear how they made changes to bring about more effective teaching and learning.

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