Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
Filed under: effective leaders
Schools in the Taupō area have worked in partnership with Ngāti Tūwharetoa to ensure students learn about their iwi, its history, places, and stories.
Filed under: effective leaders | effective teachers
At Sylvia Park School, staff believe that Māori and Pacific student achievement is based on effective pedagogy and that effective pedagogy looks the same for any child. This story explores what these beliefs look like in practice.
Filed under: identity language and culture | effective leaders
In this report Elizabeth Harrison, Principal, Ramanui School, Hawera reviewed what is “happening” in other schools out of her immediate area where there are significant numbers of Māori on the roll.
Filed under: productive partnerships | effective leaders
This report by Colmar Brunton describes the main findings from research that provides valuable, in-depth insights about the information and communication needs of parents, families and whānau when they are:
Filed under: Research & evaluation | effective leaders
This report on Priority Learners in New Zealand Schools, is the second in the Education Review Office's Evaluation at a Glance series. It is a synthesis of material from 15 national evaluations and reports of good practice published in the last four years that, taken together, reveal three key issues facing New Zealand’s education system.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Five case studies were presented from schools/kura where Ako Panuku has had a direct impact on the schools’ policies and practices.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
This Education Review Office (ERO) report evaluates the current design and implementation of the Ako Panuku programme, outcomes and impacts for Māori teachers and schools, and the strengths and weaknesses of this provision.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The Ako Panuku website offers resources and links to assist schools to effectively support whānau and students to understand NCEA.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
In this sabbatical report Rex Allott, Principal Omanu School, investigates programmes and practices that enhance the relationship between families, communities, and schools - in particular those that improve the achievement of Māori children and their whānau.
Filed under: Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
Māori and Pasifika largely make up the left hand hemisphere of the bell curve despite all our efforts and ministry focus. In this sabbatical report Mike Lander, Principal South Thames School, discusses his response to the following questions.