Keriana Tawhiwhirangi – Director, Principals’ Development Association
If we want to improve how we engage with whānau, it’s important that we look at what our current situation is, and look at the good, the bad and the interesting bits. And decide, really make a big wish on it, and say: “In an ideal world, this is what we want our engagement with whānau to look like”. And not worry about any of the obstacles that might get in the way. And then once they have that goal out there, it’s just to say: “Okay, well that’s the goal, here’s where we are – what are the incremental steps that we need to plan, and that we need to manage and review until we move closer to what that expectation is?”. That’s the only way it can happen. We can’t fly from one end to an absolute, wonderful, dream-like vision at the end without good thinking, good planning, and let it take the time. And I believe the key to that is ensuring that we’re in touch, we’re communicating, and that the dialogue and relationship is an ongoing one. And it’s being reviewed all the time, by all parties.
My best advice there would be to know your community, and identify someone who is connected to someone else that they know, and start from there. Because I wouldn’t advocate they go barging through the first door they come to, but certainly do some homework. Find out who the key drivers – the key people – are that can put them in touch with someone else to move them forward.