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Te Mangōroa – Māori achieving education success as Māori

Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success

Welcome to Te Mangōroa

Nau mai, haere mai ki te hapori o Te Mangōroa. He rauemi a Te Mangōroa mō ngā kura reo Ingarihi. He tomokanga ki ngā kōrero, rīpoata, tatauranga, me ngā arotake puta mai i ngā wāhanga o TKI me ētahi atu paetukutuku tērā e whakaata ana i ngā whakaakoranga tōtika mō ngā ākonga Māori.

Welcome to the Te Mangōroa community. Te Mangōroa is a resource for English-medium schools. It is a portal to stories, reports, statistics, and reviews from across TKI and other sites that reflect effective practices to support Māori learners to achieve educational success as Māori. Te Mangōroa contains practical illustrations of what Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia | The Māori Education Strategy, means for teaching and learning. These examples come from a wide range of schools and offer a wide range of examples of where they were at, what approaches they used to get started, what worked, and what didn’t, and how they measured their success.

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  1. Filed under:

    Ka Hikitia - Ka Hāpaitia (the Māori Education Strategy for Māori learners) and Tau Mai Te Reo (The Māori Language in Education Strategy for all learners) have been refreshed as part of the Education Work Programme.

  2. Filed under: Effective leaders

    In this sabbatical report Michael McMenamin, Headmaster New Plymouth Boys' High School, seeks to investigate, by talking with Māori students (and other participants in their education), how a better understanding of Māori students’ experiences in the classroom and analyses of these experiences might lead to improved policy and teaching and learning that would ultimately result in greater Māori student achievement. 

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Ako

    Living Heritage is an online bilingual initiative that enables New Zealand schools to develop and publish an online resource, based on a heritage treasure in their community.

  4. Filed under: effective leaders | effective teachers

    Visit the Ako Panuku website to see the national online network of teachers/educators in secondary schools and engage in professional discussions about your experience as a teacher.

  5. Filed under: effective leaders

    This report attempts to answer the question, “How might medium to high decile schools with a low percentage of Māori and Pasifika students successfully engage family and whānau in their children’s learning to help raise student achievement?”  

  6. Filed under:

    These online resources support the teaching and learning of the Treaty of Waitangi. 

  7. Filed under: research & evaluation | effective leaders

    This article by Juliette Hayes and Amy Clode in the Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, introduces an approach where school personnel listen to Māori students with the purpose of learning about their experiences at school.

  8. Filed under: research & evaluation

    This article by Jennifer Martin, in Te Kaharoa, 5, 2012 (p. 109-118), attempts to define and illustrate measures of educational success from a Māori perspective. 

  9. Filed under: research & evaluation | effective leaders

    In this article, in the September 2012 edition of The New Zealand Principal, Liz Hawes talks to the principal of Te Akau ki Papamoa School about factors that have led to raising Māori students’ achievement. 

  10. Filed under: effective teachers

    Angela Rihia-Tamaki discusses integrating key competencies in the bilingual unit. 

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