Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
“Increasing whānau and iwi authority and involvement in education is critical to improving presence, engagement, and achievement. To achieve this, parents and whānau must be actively involved in decision-making and their children’s learning in all education settings.”
Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012, page 28.
Productive partnerships incorporate Māori students, whānau, and educators sharing knowledge and expertise with each other to produce better outcomes for Māori learners. This principle includes taking a ‘personalised learning’ approach that puts every learner and their achievement at the heart of education and recognises that one size fits one.
The resources you will find on this page reflect these principles of productive partnership and provide examples of this from schools across New Zealand.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
The Ako Panuku website offers resources and links to assist schools to effectively support whānau and students to understand NCEA.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers
The science online website presents resources to support scientific knowledge and Māori knowledge about mussel biology.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
The Te Kauhua phase 3 case studies seek to provide knowledge and guidance to inform the wider educational community about effective strategies for strengthening school-whānau relationships and Māori learner achievement outcomes. Each case study is organised under the following headings: school background information; the research question; impetus for the research; an outline of what was done and the impact on student learning and achievement; key learnings, challenges, and opportunities encountered and some reflective questions for your school to consider.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
The Hastings Central School case study is part of the Te Kauhua case studies report (2010), prepared for the Ministry of Education by Dr Ruth Gorinski. As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Hastings Central School investigated in what ways using aspects of tikanga, history, and local resources in a “place based” (Heretaunga district) curriculum enhanced their learning programme.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Taihape Area School undertook two projects. For Project 2 they investigated the collaborative development of e-portfolios to engage whānau in the student learning partnership.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Taihape Area School undertook two projects. For Project 1 they investigated what really makes a difference for Māori student achievement outcomes within a ‘place based’ educational context.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Cobden Primary School investigated how a tuakana-teina reading programme can enhance Māori learner literacy achievement and build teacher understanding of a Māori world view (te ao Māori).
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Henderson Intermediate investigated the development of ako-based positive relationships that enhance the presence, engagement and achievement of students, whānau and teachers.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers
As part of their action research for Te Kauhua phase 3, Chisnallwood Intermediate investigated the ways that the provision of a culturally connected learning context facilitates Māori student and whānau engagement in learning and teaching.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers
Lincoln High School investigates how, as part of a cluster arrangement, a school can foster the development of an effective professional learning community that is focused on teaching as inquiry and premised on three underpinning principles: ako (reciprocal learning), culture counts, and productive partnerships.