Ka Hikitia - Managing for Success
Filed under: research & evaluation
This article by Jennifer Martin, in Te Kaharoa, 5, 2012 (p. 109-118), attempts to define and illustrate measures of educational success from a Māori perspective.
Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
In this sabbatical leave report from Bruce Pagan, Principal, Kaikoura Primary School; Bruce investigates the effects/benefits that the pursuit of culturally significant events can have on Māori student achievement, with particular reference to those families/students that engage regularly in hui, muttonbirding, and carving.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation | Effective teachers
This research explores the links between the world(s) of the student; the world(s) of home and the world(s) of school, and how the collision of these worlds can impact on student learning and achievement.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation
This report charts the story of Te Hiringa i te Mahara a Māori secondary Teachers’ professional development programme from 1998-2008.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation | Effective Leaders
This article published in the AUSTR ALIAN JOURNAL of INDIGENOUS EDUCATION, (volume 36, 2007), offers another framework for creating a Māori perspective on classroom practices.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Research & evaluation | Effective leaders
The Secondary Futures website features a number of articles from Mason Drurie on that address leadership and indigenous education. In addition to historical overviews Mason also looks towards the future, focusing on educational initiatives for Māori.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture | Statistics & results | Research & evaluation
This 2010 report evaluates how schools have promoted success for Maori students since ERO’s previous national report in 2006.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture
Adrienne Alton-Lee (phd) Chief Education Advisor, Best Evidence Synthesis Programme, Ministry of Education delivers a keynote presentation for the 2008 Te Kotahitanga conference.
Filed under: Research & evaluation
In 2007, Victoria University was contracted by the Ministry to produce an external evaluation of the effectiveness of Te Kotahitanga. It is the first external evaluation of Te Kotahitanga.
Filed under: Identity Language and Culture
This 25-year strategy (2003) provides a framework to bring together Māori language initiatives. Its aim is to coordinate and prioritise government action towards Māori language revitalisation and to have te reo Māori widely spoken by Māori within whānau, homes and communities by 2028.