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  1. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Ako | Effective teachers

    The video clips for Te Mana Kōrero focus on the need to build, and sustain, strong and effective school-whānau partnerships, in order to raise Māori student achievement. Such partnerships are characterised by both parties respecting and valuing each other's perspectives and contributions.

  2. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    Lincoln High School's NCEA's data illustrated that Māori students were grossly underachieving. As a result, the professional development model of Te Kauhua was established, based on research that showed what works well for Māori.

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    At Henderson Intermediate, we see the beginnings of a successful push by Te Kauhua facilitators to engage whānau, by organising whānau hui, where data on Māori students’ attendance and achievement was shared.

  4. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers

    At Hillmorton High School, we see the beginnings of a successful push by Te Kauhua facilitators to engage whānau, by organising whānau hui, where data on Māori students’ attendance and achievement was shared.

  5. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Identity Language and Culture | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    In this clip, we see different stakeholders discussing the benefits of change at Taihape Area School.

  6. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    The stakeholders in this clip are the principal, three teachers and two senior students. They compare the more traditional approach to teaching and learning with the new approach at Taihape Area School.

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