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productive partnership

  1. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders | Effective teachers

    Lincoln High School investigates how, as part of a cluster arrangement, a school can foster the development of an effective professional learning community that is focused on teaching as inquiry and premised on three underpinning principles: ako (reciprocal learning), culture counts, and productive partnerships.

  2. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    Responding to “demanding constituents” has been the catalyst for changes in teaching practice at Henderson Intermediate - changes achieved through a process of reflecting upon the evidence available and responding to student need.

  3. Filed under: Productive partnerships

    Evidence of successful approaches motivated a change in practices across the whole school.

  4. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    Providing opportunities for student voice informed and encouraged changes in teacher practice.

  5. Filed under: Productive partnerships

    Henderson Intemediate responded to whānau requests for reporting in a form that met their needs.

  6. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    An idea from whānau became the basis of a successful intervention to tackle attendance issues.

  7. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective leaders

    When Henderson Intermediate staff were open and honest about the issues of Māori student achievement with whānau, they received an immediate response of support.

  8. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    Lincoln High School's NCEA's data illustrated that Māori students were grossly underachieving. As a result, the professional development model of Te Kauhua was established, based on research that showed what works well for Māori.

  9. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Ako | Effective teachers

    At Henderson Intermediate, we see the beginnings of a successful push by Te Kauhua facilitators to engage whānau, by organising whānau hui, where data on Māori students’ attendance and achievement was shared.

  10. Filed under: Productive partnerships | Effective teachers

    At Hillmorton High School, we see the beginnings of a successful push by Te Kauhua facilitators to engage whānau, by organising whānau hui, where data on Māori students’ attendance and achievement was shared.

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